Roadblocks That Prevent You Writing


Along the writing path you may happen along some roadblocks. Thoughts like ‘I can’t write a book’ and ‘My ideas aren’t good enough’ may haunt you.

This is our mind playing tricks and as writers we need to be able to face these fears and continue on.

Some common roadblocks are:

I can’t write a book
This simply is NOT TRUE. Anyone can write a book if they’re determined enough to do so.

My ideas aren’t good enough
The fact that you have ideas shows you have something to say. Until your idea is down on the page you can’t possibly tell whether it’s good or not. A horrible idea may turn into an extraordinary idea when it is fully evolved or it may help you find that fantastic idea.

I don’t have enough ideas for a book
How do you know until you write it down? Most people underestimate what they’re capable of. Even if you don’t have enough content for a book, you may have enough for an article or blog.

My idea has been done before
Yes. It probably has, but how well and who by? Can you do a better job or come up with a fresh spin on the same idea? Everyone has a different perspective and will see things in a different way, your style of writing and how you decide to develop the idea may change it into something fresh and unique.

These roadblocks will crop up occasionally in your writing lifetime and you’ll need to face them. Every writer has had self-doubt plague them at some stage and the ones that become authors are the writers that are determined to work their way through to get their book finished.

Don’t let your mind create obstacles that prevent you from achieving your dream of being a writer. Climb over them, dig under them, go around the long way … conquer them!

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